430 King's Road
Punk AR: Vivianne Westwood's Urban Showcase
UX design for augmented reality tour, on an art exhibition teaser mobile app
Project Scope
This project focused on crafting a user-centric augmented reality (AR) tour experience via a mobile app for Vivianne Westwood's Punk exhibition, concurrently hosted across various European locations. Specifically centered around the renowned Vivianne Westwood store at 430 King's Road, London, this app aimed to tantalize users with a teaser tour blending urban settings and elements from the exhibition, enticing them to secure tickets.
Simplicity and Innovation
The app's essence lies in its simplicity – a one-button interface inspired by seamless user flows akin to apps like Shazam. The goal was to ensure intuitive navigation, acknowledging that a cleaner interface facilitates smoother user interactions, drawing inspiration from Vivianne Westwood's brand ethos.
Key Values Incorporated
Three fundamental values guided the app's development, aligned with Vivianne Westwood's brand essence:
Socializing: Fostering a sense of global community by facilitating idea sharing and discovery, ensuring users feel connected even while embarking on the tour solo within a social networking framework.
Mobility: Actively engaging users with their city's Punk culture by directing them to relevant urban institutes, enhancing their exploration beyond the exhibition itself.
Innovation: Recognizing the need to transcend conventional web banners or printed brochures, the app aimed to provide users with an immersive, real-life exhibition experience.
User Journey
Initial Engagement
Upon app download, users can seamlessly commence the tour, with the option for guest access enhancing the experience for one-time users. Profiles can be manually created or linked via Facebook/Instagram, leveraging social networking functionalities for sharing and communication.
Tour Navigation:
The app presents ten location options ranked by proximity, allowing users to craft personalized routes on a map. The flexibility to complete the tour in segments was an intentional feature.
Augmented Reality Experience
Upon arrival at each location, a quick and effortless 3D augmented reality image is revealed via the app's camera functionality. Users opting to create profiles or link via social media can share these experiences and connect with a global audience.
Exhibition Information
The app serves as a comprehensive resource for the exhibition, covering all nine European locations. Users can delve into details about their local exhibition and explore distant cities, accessing artist bios and previous works not currently on display.
Ticket Purchase
A user-friendly and intuitive ticket purchase process was integral to the app's design, ensuring a seamless and clear path to ticket acquisition without feeling like a mere advertisement.
Value Addition
The app's primary objective was to underscore the value of active participation in an immersive, interactive exhibition experience, distinct from mere promotional content.